Applications handling product configurations may exceed 1,000,000 links
Applications handling product configurations may exceed 100,000 nodes by product configuration
Applications handling product configurations may exceed 50 levels per configuration
Control of system configuration
Industrial systems become a complex chain of command totally controlled by computer science. The control of these systems requires the control of thousands of industrial data of various origins (mechanical elements, sub-assemblies, software, electronic maps, etc.) the whole, without losing sight of the contracts, the functional objectives of the planned system. Addressing these issues requires control of the system configuration, which ensures tracking, updating and comprehensive knowledge of the hardware, documentation and software configuration of all elements that make up the targeted system.
Product configuration management is a normative and often contractual requirement. As such, it must be carried out in compliance with the rules and methods described in the company reference framework. The responsibility of the entity in charge of managing product configurations is therefore to describe these rules and methods and to ensure that they are correctly applied in the context of each case. The control of configurations therefore requires the implementation of tools to accompany and make reliable the application of these rules and methods.

Aptean PLM Lascom Edition for system configuration control
Aptean PLM Lascom Edition configuration management engine makes it possible to define all product configurations, whether they are articles, documents, projects, etc. through a mechanism of links having characteristics themselves. “Configurations” are also used to define more generic objects such as evolutionary proposals, deviations, configuration states, etc. Aptean PLM Lascom Edition’s powerful system engineering functions, its unique links and views mechanisms allow a unique representation of technical information associated with programs and projects.
Thus, during the different phases of the product or system life cycle, Aptean PLM Lascom Edition’s system engineering management functions monitor developments and changes and ensure the traceability of the tasks performed through process management integrated into the application. Users have, at all times, a clear and precise vision of their system, its subsystems and their evolutions.
Configuration control ensures that all system information is maintained at the best level. It ensures system cost and risk control throughout the lifecycle and enables reliable and secure management of all system engineering components.